Everything you are itching to know!

Sports Enthusiast

Sports have always been a big part of my life but not in the traditional fashion. I don't feel the need to catch every game or memorize player stats (or even player names for that matter). What drew me was the strife for players to win the games, the training to become better, the ability for sports to bring people together for healthy competition; Which is why being affiliated with a Sports Franchise is one of the greatest things that has happened to me.

Lead by Example

As a Manager of Ticket Operations; I have had a team of 21 employees under me. I believe leaders don't command respect but earn it. I ask nothing of my employees that I am not will to do myself. On Game days it can get quite hectic (especially if it is your first day), but I hold myself to a high standard and expect the same from the team. TEAM being the operative word; we watch each others back and help where we can.

IT Professional

While I was trying to break into the sports industry; I was working as a Junior Systems Administrator. I enjoyed the job a lot, so much so that I started assuming responsibility for all computers under Ticket Ops jurisdiction; Maintenance, Optimization and Consistent remote access. Till this day I am constantly trying to improve my skills with certificates.

Dedicated and Driven

After graduating from the University of Kansas, I was having trouble find a full time position in sports but I didn't give up. I started working part-time for Sporting KC and traveled to multiple sports job fairs. Working for a Sports team is all I wanted to do and I was ready move where ever I had to, to make that happen.

Stockton Kings Job Fair

Giving Back

The way the world seems to have trended to; "What can you do for me" attitude or the "Personality Ethic" (Stephen Covey). I believe we need to start focusing on the being better rather than seeming better. Volunteering is a big part of who I am; I have worked a lot with Sporting KC to make the world a better place.